Catholic Civil Rights Leader Requests Nashville Police Department Release Covenant Killer’s Manifesto

Catholic League President Bill Donohue is asking Nashville police to produce the manifesto it said it found among transgender shooter Audrey Hale’s belongings.

“The local police said she was planning the attack ‘over a period of months,’ and that she had studied other mass murderers,” wrote Donohue Monday. “They emphasized that the attack was ‘calculated and planned.’ Importantly, they found a manifesto that laid bare her thinking.”

“The Nashville police said they would make public the manifesto as soon as their investigation was completed,” the Catholic leader stated. “They have not done so.”

As The Tennessee Star reported Tuesday, the Nashville Police Department denied the media outlet’s request for Hale’s manifesto because the case “remains open.”

Hale shot and killed three children and three adults on March 27 at the Covenant School, a Christian school, before she was shot and killed by police.

Donohue explained police have already stated the school, which she once attended, and the church, were targeted. Additionally, Police Chief John Drake said there is some indication Hale held some “resentment” for having attended the school.

“So where’s the manifesto?” Donohue asked. “Who’s holding it back? What’s driving this decision?”

The leader of the Catholic civil rights organization cited a report Thursday that Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The New York Post the FBI is stalling the release of Hale’s manifesto.

The manifesto “could maybe tell us a little bit about what’s going on inside of her head,” Burchett said. “I think that would answer a lot of questions.”

“Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston confirmed to The Post the FBI has already ruled the manifesto would not be released any time soon,” The Post reported.

“What I was told is, her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction, and it was so, so detailed at the level of what she had planned,” Johnston said. “That document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous.”

Former police officer and current adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice Joseph Giacalone told The Post he believes what “the FBI is really concerned here with, and I think law enforcement, is that if there is something in there that is truly damaging for the transgender community.”

“I think they are hesitant to do it because they are afraid of a violent backlash against that protected class of people,” he added.

“This smacks of politics. It stinks to high heaven,” Donohue wrote, adding:

We know that media outlets, such as NBC, have tried to evade any mention of the transgender status of the mass murderer. We know that Jordan Budd, who runs Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere, has said, “It [the manifesto] should not be published.” We know that some transgender activists have threatened violence. Is this what the FBI is giving in to?

The public needs to know if Hale was “an anti-Christian bigot, as many sexually confused people are,” Donohue asserted. “Quite frankly, there is a violent element in transgender circles, and Christians need to know if others are also targeting them. Hale may have operated alone, but was she inspired by hate speech voiced by transgender activists?”

Donohue said Christians, especially Catholics, have cause to be concerned about “the top brass in the FBI,” observing the recent report of a leaked document that revealed the bureau was targeting Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass, labeling them as “radical traditional Catholics.”

“Given this situation, are we to believe that if a crazed Catholic were to blow up an abortion clinic, killing six people, and law enforcement found a manifesto detailing his motive, that the FBI would censor its release?” he asked. “Or would it be more likely to make it public?”

“We need one standard of justice for everyone,” Donohue concluded. “And that means, among other things, that Hale’s manifesto must be made public in its entirety, and with dispatch.”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Audrey Hale” and Background Photo “The Covenant School Crime Scene” by Metro Nashville Police Department. 


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12 Thoughts to “Catholic Civil Rights Leader Requests Nashville Police Department Release Covenant Killer’s Manifesto”

  1. Ron W

    The ones withholding information from a “free and independent People are fearful of us. They proclaim “democracy”, but their actions are those of leftist authoritarians, political cousins of fascists and communists. This quote of a classical
    Liberal of the American Revolution says it well:

    “We are not AFRAID to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is AFRAID to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is AFRAID of its people.” –John F. Kennedy

  2. J.B. Flockherder

    When people stop believing in good, evil and God, they lose the light of reason. Satan’s best tools are those that don’t believe in him. When we refuse to look at the madness in this temporary world through a preternatural lens, nothing will make sense.

  3. Jennifer

    Is there a reason the investigation is still open a month after the incident? How many officers are assigned to the investigation and why is it taking so long? Do police have an estimate of how much longer the investigation is going to take? Will it be a week, a year, a decade, a century?

  4. Ed Cane

    Transparency is something liberals cannot tolerate if it goes against their narratives.

  5. Pasta Fazooli

    I was against de-funding the police before I was for it! We can do a better job of upholding the Constitutional laws and we won’t need no stinkin’ liberal judges and for sure no jails

  6. Htos

    They can’t. The tranifesto is leftarded and commutarded, sounding JUST LIKE the deomocrats-don’t forget-the algorical still “controls” Tenn.

  7. stinkyyman

    When the US was a country that lived by the rule of LAW, all HAD the right to be treated EQUALLY under the LAW. . At this point that is history not reality. Thank your local cop at his next BLM riot he will have spare time because he will do nothing but put his thumbs up his but .

  8. Randall Davidson

    crazy world when we cannot trust our law enforcement.

  9. Larry Folds

    This is one good reason I no longer support local police.

  10. Jasonn

    What are they hiding and why?

  11. Joe

    the only reason I can think of this will prove they are mentally ill and need to have care in a facility for it. I believe someone higher up is stopping this.

  12. Verbal Bomb Chucker

    The Police/FBI don’t want to release the manifesto because they know that the information it contains shows America’s “favorite” protected group, the LGBTQ-XYZ Mob, is actually a Demonic, Psycho-nutjob Group that doesn’t need to be celebrated & protected but instead rounded-up and put into Wacky Wards for LIFE.
